Larry Page dá dicas de Empreendedorismo
httpv:// Quem melhor do que Larry Page, um dos fundadores do Google, para falar sobre empreendedorismo? Google’s Larry Page | Tips for The… « Bit Rebels.
httpv:// Quem melhor do que Larry Page, um dos fundadores do Google, para falar sobre empreendedorismo? Google’s Larry Page | Tips for The… « Bit Rebels.
There’s an old Wayne Gretzky quote that I love. ‘I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.’ And we’ve always tried to do that at Apple. Since the very very beginning. And we always will. — Steve Jobs via Minimal Mac.
One night I was sitting in my car outside Columbia University where my wife Shirley was studying Anthropology. While I was waiting I was listening to the radio and heard an interviewer ask ‘Now that you have reached 75 have you any advice for our audience about how to prepare for your old age?’ An… Read More »If you have a choice, never have a job
O texto abaixo é uma carta aberta ao Bradesco, mas poderia ser uma carta aberta a todo sistema bancário brasileiro. Leia e entenda. Senhores Diretores do Bradesco, Gostaria de saber se os senhores aceitariam pagar uma taxa, uma pequena taxa mensal, pela existência da padaria na esquina de sua rua, ou pela existência do posto de gasolina ou… Read More »Carta aberta aos Bancos
What you would do tomorrow, do today, what you would do today, do now. Disaster may come in a moment, when will you do all that you intend? — Kabir (the weaver) via TypeOff. » Blog Archive » What you would do today, do now.
Clifford Stoll: 18 Minutes with an Agile Mind – Neatorama.