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Lesbian Vampire Hunters

Não esperava que esse filme fosse ser algo tão comédia assim mas… Pelo menos parece que vai ser idiota o suficiente para tirar algumas risadas.  Full Trailer For ‘Lesbian Vampire Killers’ Shows More Of All Three | Film School Rejects 

Diga adeus para Dubai

Short of opening a Radio Shack in an Amish town, Dubai is the world’s worst business idea, and there isn’t even any oil. Imagine proposing to build Vegas in a place where sex and drugs and rock and roll are an anathema. This is effectively the proposition that created Dubai – it was a stupid… Read More »Diga adeus para Dubai

Transformers 2

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Trailer Online | The Movie Blog.

Michael Bierut e o caminho de um designer

If you worked in a design studio in 1980, you were surrounded by colored paper, rubber cement, X-Acto knives and cans of aerosol spray glue. Our work, whether an annual report or a poster, was done by hand. via Preoccupations – Drawing Board to the Desktop – A Designer’s Path –

Edifício Joinha

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